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I can’t really say that I have an angel and a demon that sit on my shoulder and argue over my life choices, but I can most assuredly testify to the presence of a “what if” gnome. I haven’t actually caught sight of the little fiend, but I’m pretty sure he looks something like this…

Garden Gargoyle

Photo Credit: JSSKate, Canada

Every once in a while this little creature plants himself squarely on my shoulder, grabs my ear with both hands and will not shut up.

What if this happens? What if that happens? If that happens, then this could happen and what would you do then?

Mr. Twenty Questions tried his mind game tactics on me today and I was reminded of some great advice I received a while back. I can’t be certain of where I heard it exactly, but I believe Mrs. Beth Moore can be credited for it. I was told that instead of trying to ignore the what if’s that it is best to play them all the way to the bitter end by asking the what if, what then? For example. What if God doesn’t provide the money for the large bill you forgot was coming? It’s due in two weeks. What happens if you don’t have the money? What then says, the bill doesn’t get paid. What then? You will most likely incur a late fee. What then? Say this bill is a mortgage payment. What if you lose your house and ruin your credit? What then? Well, then you either find a place to rent, live with a friend, sell all your belongings and live out of your car, move in with your parents, etc. What then? What then? What then?

Do you know what happens at the end of all the questions?

I find God there.

If the very worst things that I can imagine actually come true. God is still with me. I can never lose Him. I can never out run Him. No matter what people think of me, He will always love me. Even if the worst thing is that I die, God is still there, ushering me into heaven. There is no where that I can go in my imagination or in real life that is apart from God. What does this do for me? It makes me realize that my current situation feels hopeless because I haven’t invited God into it. Even though He is there, worrying keeps Him at arms length. But when you acknowledge that no matter what, God is always going to be there for you, it is easier to bring Him into your current problem.

I probably shouldn’t admit this since I wrote a book on the subject, but I’m going to anyway. One of my weaknesses is that while I am very good at believing that God can do anything and everything for other people, and that He wants to heap blessings upon blessings on their lives, I hesitate to believe that for myself. Why is that? I’m not sure. I think it is because for years I’ve listened to the little gnome on my shoulder telling me that I’m not good enough for God to bless me. That I need to do better, be better, work harder before God will look kindly on me. The trouble with this kind of performance based love is that it simply isn’t true.

God loves me the same no matter what I do or what kind of circumstances I am in. His love for me never grows or diminishes based on me because His love for me isn’t about me, it’s about Jesus. When Jesus covered my sin with His blood, my status before God was sealed. Regardless of all the “what ifs” He will always love me, He will always be with me, and He will always provide His best for me. His best might not look like what I think it should look like, but it is given for my good and His glory regardless.

When I think of God’s blessings versus my best, the story of Joseph usually comes to mind. I’m sure Joseph didn’t think that being sold into slavery, falsely accused of rape, and tossed into prison was a good thing. But the Lord used it to elevate Joseph to a position of great power and to save the lives of thousands of people. When all the “what if”s played out, Joseph explained it to his brothers:

Ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. – Genesis 50:20

You might be in a situation right now that seems impossible. You see a light at the end of the tunnel, but you aren’t sure if it is relief or a train. Just when you think you have the budget all figured out, you get in an accident or open another bill. In these times it is tempting to believe that God isn’t with you, that He doesn’t care, or that He isn’t going to come through for you. As hard as it might seem at the time, choose to turn your “what if”s into “what then”s. I’m sure at the end of your struggle, you’ll find God there. Invite Him into your situation now and surrender your worries to His very capable hands. Things may not turn out the way you hope, but His way is always better.

Do you have a “what if” gnome too? Take his picture and tweet it to me! @donyadunlap Maybe the camera flash will scare him away.

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