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Bittersweet: A Book Review //

When I read the prologue to Bittersweet by Shauna Niequiest, I expected the following pages to unfold like many other Christian books I’ve read; Scripture verses sprinkled through the author’s tale of a difficult time in life during which she was able to cling to hope and somehow survive. What actually followed was nothing like I imagined.

The pages of Bittersweet are filled with snapshots—descriptions of Shauna’s life in moments of time. They are neither overly religious or lacking in faith. They are honest retellings of dinner parties, arguments, vacations, miscarriages, and  family gatherings. Shauna speaks of hard times following personal loss and failure, moving houses, moving friends, changes in ministry, and rough spots in her marriage. But she also recalls breathtaking moments of laughter with those she loves, mouthwatering meals with descriptions that will inspire you to makeover your refrigerator every time, and sailing under a canopy of stars.

At first I didn’t understand why my friend sent the book to me after the loss of my mother. There were no tips on how to survive a new life after death, or steps to outline dealing with waves of emotion that crash on your soul at inopportune times. But somewhere around the middle, I discovered the treasure that this book is.

Shauna gifts to her readers a fresh perspective. She models a less-than-perfect child of God catching life preservers God throws out at key points in the storm and clinging to them for survival. These sparks of love, good food, community, and forgiveness add sweetness to the daily that drags us down. She reminds the reader that both bitter and sweet are necessary ingredients to create a life that is rich, full of multifaceted flavor and grace.

Read it with a box of Kleenex.

Have you read Bittersweet? If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
Happy reading!

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