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There is nothing more beautiful than a blushing bride. Adorned in white, carrying a fragrant bouquet of her favorite flowers and beaming with love for the one that waits for her at the end of the aisle. There is a sparkle in her eye and a depth to her emotions that defies logic and reason. Her heart thunders within her…not out of fear, but out of a fullness that she could not describe if you asked her to do so. She has dreamed of this day since she was a little girl. The fairy tales that used to lull her to sleep are now her reality. She is getting married.

I have dreamed of such a day. In fact, the first bridesmaids dress that I ever picked out belonged to the Peaches and Cream Barbie that I got for Christmas in the third grade. I have imagined the flowers, the dresses, the music, the location, the reception, the honeymoon.

The years continued to pass and now I am approaching thirty. My friends are mostly married and many of them have children. A few actually have children that are old enough to attend school. The questions that run through my mind today are not as hopeful as they once were. Now I wonder…will I ever be married? Will I ever know true love? Will I ever have a child of my own? Can I afford to adopt a child and be a single mom?

I tell myself that God has a plan for my life and that it is in every way perfect. I remind myself that singles have greater opportunities to serve the Lord. I think of all the things that I’ve done and I am so thankful that God has allowed them, knowing full well that I wouldn’t have been able to do any of it if I were married and caring for a family. I tell myself that I’m too busy to date and that it is over rated anyway. I look at those around me who have difficult relationships and I thank God for the single life…but some days…some days the pep talks don’t work. Some days the love songs on the radio sting a little. Some days are lonely. Some days are challenging. Some days are filled with balancing the checkbook and mowing the grass and taking the car for an oil change…each task reminding me that I don’t have a husband to take care of these things for me. That I may never have a husband to take care of such things. These are the days that make my heart sigh and my eyes water. But…these are also the days that are the most dear to me.

Yes, you read that correctly. They are dear to me, because on those days God always reminds me that I will one day be that beautiful bride. One day I will stand before the throne of Heaven with the light of Christ’s love in my eyes, and I will pledge my devotion to Him for all of eternity. On that day, the angels will sing, the bells of Heaven will ring and the celebration will be unimaginable. I will never again worry how to make ends meet. I will never again be afraid of the noises in the night. I will never be lonely…for I will be His and He will be mine. I will never doubt my Beloved’s love for me, because He died for me. He walked the road to Calvary for me. He was ridiculed and tortured to pay for my sins. He died so that I could live with Him for eternity. There is no greater love.

Marriage is a wonderful thing, but it isn’t a guaranteed event in everyone’s future. I may not ever change my name, but I will exchange these garments of earth for heavenly robes of white. I know that some day soon, my Betrothed will come for me. Until then, I must be busy about the preparations. I mustn’t waste precious hours wishing things were different. I must be busy about my responsibilities. I must be busy about ministering to others and telling others about Christ.

This life may seem like an eternity at times, but it is nothing more than a period. A little dot in the expanse of forever. I could color my dot gray and mope about wishing things were different…or…I can color my dot pink or purple or red or green and make the most of every minute! It is a choice that I make every day. I wake up, hit my snooze a half-dozen times, and grab my crayon box. Every day I choose to fill my life with happiness or bitterness, love or hate, purpose or pity. Some days I make the right choices, and some days I do not, but the choice is never determined by my circumstances. The choice is determined by the state of my heart.

Every day can be beautiful if I walk within the knowledge of my standing in Christ. He loves me like no other soul ever has or ever will. He is the Bridegroom and He has chosen me…and He has chosen you as well. Will you be His beautiful bride?


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