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The Beginning in the End: But God //


Don’t you just love those two little words? Two little words can change everything in an instant. Two little words that cause the blind to see, the lame to walk, the barren to be a mother of children, and the dead to live again!

Joseph had a BUT GOD testimony that resulted in an entire nation being saved from a slow death by starvation. The children of Israel had a BUT GOD moment, delivering them from the Philistines after leaving Egypt. Samson had a BUT GOD moment bringing him refreshment and encouragement after a difficult battle left him depleted. David had a BUT GOD moment when he was told Solomon would build the temple in his place. All wonderful examples of God’s sovereignty and intervention in the lives of His children, but my personal favorite is recorded in Acts 13:29-31:

And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre. BUT GOD raised him from the dead.

Forgiveness of sin, a home in heaven and endless fellowship with our Creator for the whole of mankind was made possible by those two little words. Even in death, God can bring new life.

Even in death, God can bring new life. Click To Tweet

Sometimes the end is just the beginning.

On Friday, all hope was lost. The Messiah was mocked, beaten, crucified and placed in a tomb. His disciples were frightened, disillusioned and hopeless with no where to go, but back to the Upper Room. It was there that they shared their last meal with Jesus, but then moments later, failed Him when He needed them most. BUT after all this GOD raised Him from the dead! Hope was restored, lives were made new and a world was turned upside-down with the Gospel.

God is in the business of redirections.

In the midst of the darkest of times, if you pay attention, you can feel the gentle hand of an all-knowing God on your back, leading you to places of blessing and glory to His name. Many, many times God said no to my plan so that He could show me that His plan was far more than I could have imagined.

Life is full of illusions.

There will be days when it seems all is lost. There will be seasons where Satan sends the floodwaters of doubt and pain sweeping through your life, taking from you all you hold dear. You may face years where your children abandon the truths you so diligently taught them. You may wake up one day and learn your spouse doesn’t love you anymore. Your business may crumble. Your checkbook may be in the red. Your internal landscape may seem forever painted in gray. Don’t lose hope! God’s strength is not determined by how you feel and what you face. He can and will carry you through it all.

God can use my disappointment to set the stage for a bright tomorrow. Click To Tweet

What you see is not always what you get. These two words tell me that God can use my disappointment to set the stage for a bright tomorrow. This is where faith enters in. Will you choose to trust in the hope that you cannot see? Will you praise Him in your storm?

Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! Psalm 107:8

Do you have a special “but God” moment in your life? If so, I’d love for you to share your testimony in the comments below. You never know how your story can encourage someone in pain today.



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