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Unashamed: A Book Review //

Before jumping into the review for Unashamed, I’d like to give you a little backstory on how the author’s ministry has personally impacted my life.

I learned of Christine Caine through video of the Passion Conference several years ago. At that time, I had not heard the words “human trafficking.” I didn’t know that there are approximately 27 million people enslaved today, more slaves now than at any other time in history.1 I had no idea that Atlanta, a city I had lived in for five years, was one of the 14 leading cities in the United States for commercial sex trafficking of children.2 All of this changed during the 40+ minutes of that video.

God interrupted my blissfully ignorant existence that day and broke my heart. Christine taught on the Good Samaritan and shared her testimony of how she came to start the A21 Campaign—a bold mission striving to abolish injustice in the 21st century. As she spoke, God used her passion to expand my desire to reach women for Christ. My life will never be the same. For that, I am eternally grateful.

Since then, Christine has written three books detailing much of her story: Undaunted, Unstoppable, and Unashamed. I have found her written words to be just as powerful and directed by the Holy Spirit as her spoken words. She has also recently started Propel Women—a ministry targeted at raising up godly women leaders. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with both ministries mentioned and all of her books.


In her latest book, Unashamed, Christine shares how Satan began to bind her with cords of shame in kindergarten. Instead of making new friends as she had hoped, she became a target for bullying her very first lunch period. She compensated for her hurt and loneliness by excelling in academics and athletics. But rather than receiving praise for her accomplishments, she was told that good Greek girls weren’t supposed to be smarter and more accomplished than the boys. She was shamed into hiding her true self. In addition to her struggles at school, Christine began to be sexually abused as well. Even after coming to know Christ personally, her pain, fear, and unforgiveness held her in bondage.

Throughout the book, Christine shares how God lead her step by step into freedom. It didn’t happen all at once. God, our Good Shepherd, leads us gently out of our past and into our future. But over time, the Holy Spirit helped her to forgive those that had damaged her. His power broke the chains of her shame, allowing her to walk freely in Jesus’ name.

God, our Good Shepherd, leads us gently out of our past and into our future. Click To Tweet

This book will surprise you

To be honest, I first bought Unashamed because I wanted to use up a gift card. I didn’t think I needed it. I was wrong. God used it to show me I have unknowingly been walking in shame in certain areas for years. Unashamed stirred within me a desire for healing in these areas. I know that God wants me to be free, and I know that my ministry will be greater for it. I am choosing now to take a hard look at my past through the lens of the biblical principles Christine used for her own healing.

Whether or not the subject matter speaks to you, I encourage you to read this book. At the very least, you will be blessed by Christine’s journey of forgiveness and freedom. Hopefully, you will also embark on your own.

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