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31 Days of Journaling through the Psalms //

Words have great power. No one knows this better than the writer. In this psalm, David writes about the corrupt words of the human race and the pristine words of God.

Verses 1-4

Once again, this passage seems to be taken directly from the newspaper. David pleads to God to intervene because “no faithful one remains.” We know this is simply David’s frustration speaking and not a literal truth. We see the same frustration spoken by Elijah during a time when 7,000 remained faithful to God.

Still, David is distraught and rightfully so. He says,

The loyal have disappeared from the human race. They lie to one another; they speak with flattering lips and deceptive hearts.

This description can easily be applied to our culture today. Things seem even more overblown due to the media reports and political scene. It’s nearly impossible to know what is real anymore.

If verse 3 were to happen today, the world would be a quieter place! Can you imagine an entire generation of reports gong mute? It would be a remarkable and welcome relief.

Verse 5

Thankfully, we are encouraged by the Lord’s response in verse 5. He hears the afflicted and poor. He promises a safe place for the one who longs for it. This reminds me of Isaiah 26:4,

Trust in the Lord forever, because in Yah, the Lord, is an everlasting rock!

Our God is a refuge that never fails us. Our rock of shelter to cling to in the middle of the storm. He does not always quiet the wind, but draws us near to Himself to quiet our souls. He is our protector. The giver of peace.

Verse 6

Verse 6 reminds us that God’s words are pure. In the day of click-bait headlines, we can trust what God says. It is interesting that David compares God’s words to silver refined seven times. Seven is the biblical number signifying completeness and perfection (>bibleref>7).

Verses 7-8

Verse 7 echoes the thoughts of verse 5. Because God is trustworthy we know we are safe in His arms. He will protect us. He will keep His promise.

I remember leaving church one day several years ago feeling so distraught. The pastor I was under at the time was less than trustworthy. I felt imprisoned in a situation I could not escape. Not a block away from the parking lot, Phil Whickam’s song “Safe in His Arms” began playing on the radio. God reminded me that He was with me in that frustrating place and He would guide me through. He did and I am forever grateful for the lessons I learned during that time.

The psalm closes with a lament.

The wicked wander everywhere, and what is worthless is exalted by the human race.

This is not only a true statement, but also a word of caution to the Christian. We must not add to the cacophony. We must speak truth in love and provide value to those around us. How different will we be, how much glory will we give to God if we walk in truth with a purpose! Let us be a light, a beacon of hope cutting through the lies of this dark day.

This post is Day 12 of the 31 Days of Journaling through the Psalms series. If you would like to read the first post, Psalm 1: The Wise and the Wickedclick here. The introduction to the series can be found here.

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