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31 Days of Journaling through the Psalms //

This psalm is listed in two literary genres—thanksgiving and imprecatory requests. It is also written in two parts. The first, David’s presentation of the situation, and the second, God’s response to it.

Verses 1-3

If not read thoughtfully, verses 1-3 seem like David has resigned himself to his fate. In reality, the exact opposite is true. David acknowledges that the wicked are after him, but rejects the suggestion to escape and hide in the mountains. Instead, he reminds himself and those who care about him that “God is on His throne,” to borrow from a modern colloquialism.

Verses 4-7

The second half of the psalm reminds us that God is watching from heaven. He examines every person and every action.

The Lord promises the righteous will see His face. This is a wonderful gift. Of course, we are not as privileged as Moses. We must wait to see Him in glory. But to look forward to such a meeting gives hope. Death on this side of heaven is ugly and pain filled. But the shutting down of one body makes way for the fitting of a new one. Passing away from this existence is something to look forward to with eager anticipation. We will see His face. There is no greater joy.

The wicked, however, receive a very different greeting upon their exit from this world. A rain of burning coals, sulfur, and scorching wind is their reward. It says God hates the lover of violence and yet, the judgment pronounced is in a future tense. He will bring justice, but today there is still time to repent.

God is holy, just, and merciful. We must remember as we pray for deliverance, that He does not delight in bringing judgment to anyone. We can pray for justice. But we should also pray for the one causing us harm. We should pray for their repentance, knowing that their fate is harsh unless they turn to God for mercy.

This post is Day 11 of the 31 Days of Journaling through the Psalms series. If you would like to read the first post, Psalm 1: The Wise and the Wickedclick here. The introduction to the series can be found here.

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