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Is Your Energy Source Fear of Love? //

Energy is a fascinating thing to study. Everything has an energy. A life force. A motivating factor. Physical energy can be gathered, used, disbursed, wasted. There are energy sources like the sun, water, nutrient rich foods. Beyond the physical, humans operate on spiritual and emotional energy as well.

Positive energy

When we find love we say we feel alive in a new way. We feel as if we can conquer the world. Anything is possible. The energy of love fuels us to become better versions of ourselves. Love is a positive energy.

Negative energy

Fear is a negative energy. When we become afraid for our lives, our bodies react in one of three ways: fight, flight, or freeze. We face the danger, run away, or become paralyzed, hoping the danger will leave on its own.

Spiritual energy

The same thing can happen in our spiritual lives. We become afraid of being alone, failing, losing someone we love—and we react. Our actions are fueled by our fear. We start serial dating, obsessing over details, and tighten our grip on loved ones, hoping that by controlling our circumstances we can prevent what we fear from happening.

An exchange of energies

In John 4:1-45, Jesus and his disciples go through Samaria on their way to Galilee. They stop at a town called Sychar to rest and grab lunch. The disciples look for food and leave Jesus by the town well where he meets a woman. Her name is not given in Scripture, but in Forgetting the Fairy Tale, I call her Sammie.

Sammie is out of water so she goes to the well. In doing so, she meets a strange man who asks her for a drink. In the course of their conversation, Jesus peels back the layers of Sammie’s real problem. She doesn’t just need water. She needs living water—a source of energy that satisfies the deepest longings of every soul. Sammie needs Jesus.

To help her understand her need, Jesus directs the conversation to the physical manifestation of her problem. She has had five husbands and is currently living with a man she isn’t married to. Sammie is running on fear. Likely fear of being alone, of having no source of income, of inadequacy—Scripture doesn’t say exactly.

Instead of shaming her or judging her, Jesus offers her a different energy source. Exchange fear for love. Accept Jesus as Messiah. Believe He has come to rescue you from all your fear, guilt, and shame. Choose Him and receive living water that washes away sin and gives eternal life.

Sammie could have told Jesus He was crazy and walked back to her old life, constantly wondering when guy #6 was going to exit stage left. But she didn’t. She believed Jesus and told the whole town about Him. Because Sammie chose love, a whole town was saved.

What is fueling you?

Me? I’m afraid of living an insignificant life. This can motivate me to perfectionism, anxiety, overcommitment, and rushing ahead of God’s timing. I find it difficult to rest and be still because I’m afraid I’m not doing enough. But Jesus doesn’t want that life for me. He calls me to seek His face, rest in His love, and place my burdens at His feet. He calls me to walk with Him at His pace, matching my heartbeat to His. In this way, I exchange my fear for His love, peace, and joy.

Are you tired of operating in fear? Are you willing to swap fear for Jesus’ love? You can make the exchange today and begin living the life Jesus intends for you. A life of hope and a radiant future (Jeremiah 29:11).

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