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4 Reasons Why You Should Be Journaling Your Devotions //

Journaling? That current craze of drawing, stamping, coloring, and otherwise decorating the edges of your Bible? Not exactly. 

In July I prayed about where God would have me spend my next several months in my devotions. God brought to mind the Psalms and the idea of Bible journaling. Rather than getting all crafty in the margins of my Bible, I decided to grab a fresh, paper journal and begin writing out my thoughts. This was such an instant blessing that I felt compelled to share 4 reasons you should consider journaling your devotions as well.

1: Journaling has built in cruise control.

It is impossible to journal through a passage of Scripture quickly. Before you can write down what the passage means, you have to understand what it’s saying. You have to read it carefully, and multiple times. Normally, when I read the Psalms as part of my devotions, I’ll speed read through 5 or so at a time. When journaling, I usually only read one at a time, taking much longer than is my usual habit.

If you are about to click off this post thinking you don’t have time for this…wait! I get it! You’re busy. I’ve been there. If you use a Bible translation that has paragraph breaks, it is easy to pick up where you left off the next day. Don’t let time rob you of the immense blessing that journaling can be to your spirit.

2: Journaling helps you connect the dots.

I have been amazed at the insights God has given me as I really think about what I’m reading. He has brought to mind other passages of Scripture and modern examples displaying the ancient truths. Word pictures contained in the Psalms string connections between prophecy, parable, history, philosophy, and more. When you write out your thoughts, the Holy Spirit has time to whisper in your ear.

Also, having your phone nearby can help you make the connections too. Use Google search or a Bible app to help you find other passages of Scripture that come to mind as you study. Just remember that you won’t find what you’re looking for on Facebook!

When you write out your thoughts, the Holy Spirit has time to whisper in your ear. Click To Tweet

3: Journaling is a form of meditation.

Are you convicted when you think about meditating and memorizing Scripture? Me too. Meditation and memorization go hand in hand. By digging below the surface of the Word, your mind has time to dwell on what is being communicated. That is the essence of meditation—running over the meaning of the text repeatedly. Memorization takes a little more effort to remember the actual words instead of just the meaning, but journaling can be a wonderful first step in that direction.

4: Journaling provides a permanent record of your thoughts.

I am often encouraged by flipping through my journal and reading where I was mentally and spiritually at a previous time. It helps me see how far God has brought me on my journey. It reminds me that my current situation is only one point on the map. Journaling Scripture can have an even greater impact by reminding you of what God was teaching you during the seasons of your life.

Also, as much as you don’t want to think about it, at some point, your possessions will be all of you that is left on this earth. Recording your devotional thoughts on paper can be a wonderful treasure for your family after you are gone.


Journaling is not just for artists or writers! Anyone with a pen and a sheet of paper can do it. I promise, you will receive a mountain of blessings by slowing your pace, focusing on what the Spirit is revealing, meditating on the passage, and writing down your thoughts.

Do you journal already? Share your tips in the comments below!

To help you get started, I am using the month of October to share with you my journaling journey through the Psalms. I’ll be posting my thoughts on one Psalm each day. If you would like to receive email notifications of each post as they go live, please subscribe here. As a thank you for subscribing, you will receive a free ebook titled, The Wonder Woman’s Manifesto. 



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